Replace old mattresses with new ones. You can show good warm sunlight of at least 8 hours on any day of every week and to be dusted thoroughly before bringing back home.
Try to avoid using blankets. If a blanket is used, cover it with a plastic sheet and use a clean bed sheet under it. Blankets to be dry cleaned once in 2 weeks.
You can also use regular vacuuming with HEPA filters for cleaning mattresses.
Protect Your Bedding, pillows, mattresses with ALLERGEN PROOF COVERS. Alternately you can cover them with a thin plastic sheet tightly zip it close after which it is covered with pillow cover or bed sheet.
Remove carpets from bed room.
Replace old upholstered furniture with leather, vinyl or wood in the house.
Wet mop the house at least once a day.
Let Plenty of Sunlight enter the bed rooms and living rooms-Sunlight decreases the load of Dust mite in the room. It also reduces humidity, which in turn is beneficial for eradication of dust mites