House Dust Mite

How can you avoid dust Mite Allergy ?

  • Your bedding needs to be washed in warm water weekly at least 130° F to kill dust mites.
  • Keep Indoor Humidity Low: Dust mites cannot survive below 30 to 50% humidity (thrive at 75%-80%):
  • Let Your Child Sleep without a soft toy in bed, or a washable soft toy if required. If your child has a non-washable bed-time soft toys, expose it to sunlight 8 hours a week.
  • Replace old mattresses with new ones. You can show good warm sunlight of at least 8 hours on any day of every week and to be dusted thoroughly before bringing back home.

  • Try to avoid using blankets. If a blanket is used, cover it with a plastic sheet and use a clean bed sheet under it. Blankets to be dry cleaned once in 2 weeks.

  • You can also use regular vacuuming with HEPA filters for cleaning mattresses.

  • Protect Your Bedding, pillows, mattresses with ALLERGEN PROOF COVERS. Alternately you can cover them with a thin plastic sheet tightly zip it close after which it is covered with pillow cover or bed sheet.

  • Remove carpets from bed room.

  • Replace old upholstered furniture with leather, vinyl or wood in the house.

  • Wet mop the house at least once a day.

  • Let Plenty of Sunlight enter the bed rooms and living rooms-Sunlight decreases the load of Dust mite in the room. It also reduces humidity, which in turn is beneficial for eradication of dust mites